Does Nail Polish Expire: How to tell if it gone bad?

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Nail polish is one of my favorite things in the world. I love to paint it, layer it, and add glitter — but what about all that nail polish that sat on your shelf for years? Is expired nail polish safe to use? Or does it lose its shine and become more prone to drying out?

How long does your favorite nail polish last? 2 years? 3 years? More? It turns out that the answer isn’t so simple. Nail polish can expire, but it depends on a variety of factors like the ingredients used, how it’s stored, and more.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what happens to nail polish when it expires, how to tell if your nail polish has gone bad, and what to do with expired nail polish. We will also discuss how long nail polish lasts.

Does Nail Polish Expire?

So, does nail polish expire? Yes, It does. Most commercially-made nail polishes will have a symbol on the bottom of the bottle that looks like an open jar with a number inside. This number indicates how long the polish is expected to last once it’s opened.

For example, if the number is 12M, that means the polish should last for 12 months after being opened. 24 means 24 months after opening. However, this is only an estimate, and your polish may not last that long depending on how you store it.

Nail Polish Shelf Life

The average shelf life of nail polish is 2-3 years. It’s always a good idea to check the date on the bottom of your bottle if you’re not sure how old it is. Nail polish will dry out, become unusable, and be contaminated with bacteria if kept too long. After this time limit, discard your old nail polish and replace it with a fresh one.

Nail polish should be replaced at least every two years as it can become thick or clumpy over time as well as dry out completely which makes it difficult to apply smoothly onto nails.

How can you tell if nail polish is bad?

If you take good care of your nail polish and store it properly, it can last for years. But if you’re not careful, your polish can start to separate, thicken, or change color. It can also become less shiny and more dull. These are all signs that your polish has gone bad and it’s time to throw it out.

What causes nail polish to dry out?

Nail polish will dry out if it’s exposed to air and light. The chemicals in nail polish are sensitive, so they don’t hold up as well over time and become more brittle. Nail polish can also dry out if you leave it unused for a long time—this is especially true of glitter polishes, which tend to be softer than others.

If the polish becomes too thick or hard to use, you can add a few drops of nail polish remover into the bottle and shake it vigorously until the consistency returns to normal!

How to store nail polish?

So how do you store your nail polish so that it lasts as long as possible? First, always make sure the lid is tightly closed when you’re not using it. This will help keep the polish from drying out.

Second, store your polish in a cool, dark place. Heat and light can cause the polish to degrade over time.

Third, if you notice your polish starting to thicken or separate, try adding a few drops of nail polish remover to thin it out. This will usually extend its life for a few more months.

Is it okay to still use expired nail polish?

If your nail polish has expired, There’s no need to worry. You can still use it, but you may not get the same results as you would with fresh polish. The color may be a little off, and it may not go on as smoothly. But if you don’t mind these minor imperfections, then go ahead and use your expired polish. Just be sure to discard it once it starts to thicken or separate too much.

So there you have it! Now you know how long nail polish lasts, how to tell if it’s gone bad, and what to do with an expired polish. Be sure to take care of your nail polish so that it lasts as long as possible. And if you do end up with expired polish, don’t worry – you can still use it! Just be sure to discard it once it starts to thicken or separate too much. Thanks for reading!

Do you have any tips for how to extend the life of your nail polish? Share them in the comments below.